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Hello to everyone isolating!

Clare L Rolfe

In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there's something stronger – something better, pushing right back.” Albert Camus “Return to Tibasa”

Hi there! Welcome to my website and the world of Arglethium.

This quote has always been inspiring for me and I thought it might be helpful to anyone struggling with isolation amidst the global pandemic Covid -19 which is affecting so many people.

Naturally my suggestion for getting through these times would be reading - especially fantasy and fiction. I hardly need to tell fans how books open new worlds and insights to us with a panoramic view at any time, but particularly when we are physically restricted from leaving our homes.

My most recent publication Ascendant’s Tear is the first book of Legend of Caemeris. It sets the foundations for the next four titles in the series.

Ange, Gildas, Sa-Tuc and Kado's lives are thrown into turmoil by destructive forces which have arisen outside their control. Fear, courage, and discovering what is most important to each of them are pervasive themes in the story as well as unravelling the mystery behind the gods and destruction which now plague their world.

As you may have guessed from my bio and the quote above, philosophy is one source of inspiration for my writing.

Albert Camus is one of my favourite philosophers. He wrote a novel called ‘The Plague’ ( ‘La Peste in French) post WWII. It has been described as allegory to the rise of fascism but also explores themes of human destiny, small heroism and large cowardice, love and goodness, happiness and engagement in our particular circumstances, good and bad. He is known for absurdist philosophy, my book Ten Letters to Delacroix's Tomb was in part inspired by Camus essays and philosophy.

What are some other titles which include virus and plagues, end of world type things?

Im going to read 'Good Omens' by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett ...

The Stand by Stephen King came to mind as well !

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